InsideHollywood Newsletter #004

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~~~~ InsideHollywood.Info Newsletter ~~~~

An online information ezine dedicated to teaching you all about Hollywood and the Film and TV Entertainment Industry.

April 01, 2005
Issue #004

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# Introduction
---- An Apology

# Designing a Career
---- Filming Tax Credits
---- Tips for updating your resume

# Things of Interest
---- UCLA Extensions
---- Digital Video Expo East

# FAQ / Q&A
---- How to get started in movies right out of school

# Tell us what you think
---- Make this newsletter even better by submitting questions
and what you think of this newsletter.


Dear Subscriber,

We wanted to apologize for some of the past newsletters and the spelling mistakes. The program we were using was having some problems and it was not doing the spell check correctly. Things should be fixed now.


# Subject: Filming Tax Credits

Someone told me that the new tax laws are friendlier to the film community than ever, so I did some research and found out they were right. I wanted to share some of the new laws with you, hoping that it might help you finance your film.

New Tax Credits are being offered not only in the United States but overseas. These new incentives may help you in producing your film for the year 2005.

The American jobs creation Act of 2004 (HR4520) is one of many new tax breaks for the Film Industry. This bill allows Independent Producers to write off qualified costs of a motion picture in a single year. This pertains to films that have a budget between $1 million to $15 million and 75 percent of that budget is spent in the United States.

There are additional tax credits and cuts that you might not be aware of in the United State. Each state now has their own incentives to lure you to their state as well as in Foreign counties. The site has a nice list of state tax incentive program:

Below, I added some of the better tax incentive and rebates programs:

~~ Los Angeles:

City Council passed a package of tax reforms that would exempt 61 percent of films form business taxes. It also exempts creative workers who earn less than $300,000 a year from paying the city business tax. The minimum threshold for the city business tax would rise from the current $50,000 to $2.5 million with productions under that threshold paying a flat rate of $147. The floor for the maximum business tax rate would move up from $4.2 million to $12 million.

~~ New Mexico:

They offer a multimillion dollar program to help finance film production through interest free loans. Plus they have a program known as NTTC, this is a deduction taken at the point of sale. They also have a tax incentive program which is a 15% tax credit through direct production costs. The above site will help you determine if you are qualified.

~~ South Carolina:

There are new legislation and incentives programs and rebates. You can save up to 25%. The SC incentive act of 2004 provides 5% labor withholding tax rebate, a 7% of supplier rebate, relief from payment of State sales tax, state accommodation tax incentive and others credits for film, television, and commercial producers.

~~ Louisiana:

Louisiana is a newcomer with various Tax credits. Among the many state incentives is a new 10% to 15% tax credits on a film's budget that includes post production. Even if the post production is done in Louisiana or not.

~~ New York:

The new tax credit laws for film makers are luring companies to shoot in New York. There is a new 10% state tax credit on top of an additional 5% city tax credit making the total production incentive package potentially worth $150 million. Plus, New York will hand out $25 million in tax credits annually for the next four years to Producers on a first come basis, provided that they do at least 75% of their stage work in New York. The city additionally will sweeten the pot by contributing an additional $12.5 million annually to the tax credit program that will apply to post production and below the line costs. However, this will not include "reality" shows or commercials.

~~ Foreign Countries:

Australia, Romania, South Africa, Egypt, and New Zealand have different incentives. An example is Jordan, which had created a Film Commission and offers production companies a 100% rebate on taxes and fees with some rebates on labor.

~~ Canada:

Canada is known for their great incentives to save production costs. The Government has recently increased its labor tax credit for foreign production from 11% to 16% or top of the many exchange rates and other great incentives.

Quebec's production service tax credit will jump from 11% to 20%. The tax rebate is hoping to increase production to Americans.

Ontario also increased its foreign tax credit form 11% to 18%.

# Subject #2: Tips for updating your resume

It is never too early nor too late to think about updating your resume. You never know when an opportunity may come up and you want to be prepared. I know you're busy and have no time but here are some tips that might help you.

While at work, start documenting your job accomplishments. You know if you don't do it at that time, you will forget. (I did.)

Make sure, your resume is results driven then activity driven. What I mean is to explain the results you produced and what it took to achieve them. The added changes should also include any additional skills that would enhance the job. For example: Specific computer course, joining groups or volunteering that would help you show how valuable you are.

If you are unhappy with your job but you don't know what to do or where to go think of attending a career fair. If you see a company that you are interested in but there is not a job opportunity for what you are looking for ask them if they have an internship program or at least get the HR person's card and stay in touch.

If you are still in school or University, you have a great opportunity to check the bulletin board and register with a career center.


If you are looking where to send your resume to get jobs in the Film or TV Entertainment Industry or more tips and tricks, make sure to check out my upcoming eBook on how to find a Job in the Entertainment Industry - "Show you want to be in Show Biz?"


# UCLA Extension -

Spring Quarter begins April 3rd, 2005. You can choose from day, evening, weekend, and online courses. Their academic and professional programs included Entertainment Studies, Performing Arts, Journalism, and Writers Program to name a few. You can go to their online catalog site to learn more about their courses and time by going to:

The UCLA extension online program can be reached at:

To get monthly updates and sign up for learning links and their free e-newsletter go to:

The other programs that UCLA Extension is offering are:

~~ UCLA @ Occidental College
~~ UCLA @ Lindbrook Center
~~ UCLA Downtown


# Digital Video Expo East

Conference: July 18-21, 2005
Apple Certification: July 18-22, 2005
Exhibits: July 19-21, 2005
New York

The only event focused exclusively on digital video production, post production, and delivery technology.

Enroll today with Priority Code EHA and use this link for a Free pass to exhibit:


# Subject: How to get started in movies right out of school

~ Question: Hello, my name is Joshua. My friend John and I have decided that we want to get into the movie business. We are VERY serious about doing this and would feel horrible if we didn't take a chance. I'm desperately trying to find information on how to get started, thank god I found this website!! We live in the boring state of Maryland and are planning on making our move hopefully by Spring 2006. We're a couple of really hard working guys, both 21 years old. Our plan is to first get our foot into the door and climb our way up to hopefully be a writing team for movies or even television. So if you could be so kind to help us out in any way, maybe a couple names or some phone numbers on how to get started in the film business, we can start out in any position available on the set, anything!! :) So any info would be greatly appreciated! Me and John both are saving every dollar we can and plan on heading our way west soon. Thank you.

~ My Answer: First, did you guys just finish college? If so, I would go to the Cinema department and see if there is any internship programs that you might be interested in. Some programs pay. I would also suggest you go to your local stations in your area and see if they are looking for PA's or runners or better yet go on the Internet and each station and local channel will have a web site. I bet that on their site will be an area about jobs or careers within the organization.

The WGA also has several programs that you might look into. Here is their main web site:

Go to their online Mentor Service. This is a unique service that connects a writer with you. If you become a part of this program the writer agrees to share their time and expertise to help you. There is no charge. Their site also has lot of information about various programs and related organization as well as a free newsletter.

This is also a good time to find out if any of your friends can help you or know if there are any jobs. I would get as much experience that you can before the big move to LA or NYC. The more experience you get, the more people you meet, the better the opportunity to find a job. Networking is so important in this industry. Another suggestion is that you and your friend keep writing and when you think it's great, maybe do a short film and do it all on DV and see if you feel it is good to submit in the local and national film festivals. You can also look to submit your work to contests, etc. A great website to exhibit your work and learn from others is:

Follow your dream!!


We would love to hear what you think of this issue of the "InsideHollywood.Info" Newsletter. And of course, if you have any suggestions for upcoming issues that you'd like to share with us, please send those, too!

Please send us your questions so we can answer them in upcoming issues. Your questions will only make our newsletter better.


That is it for this issue of the InsideHollywood.Info Newsletter. Until next time....